I am easy / difficult

Easy and difficult are sometimes difficult to use for Indonesian native speakers.

šŸ˜¦ I am difficult to understand grammar.
Using a dictionary makes me easy to understand English.

If you say these in an IELTS interview, the examiner will understand you but you will get a low score for grammar. For a higher score, use the following:

I find it difficult to understand grammar.
Using a dictionary makes it easy for me to understand English.

These last two examples will increase your IELTS scores for vocabulary as well as grammar. They includeĀ strong collocation as well as structural sophistication. At the same time, if you speak and write like this then the examiner will find it easier to understand you.

image You need to be very careful with the following:

I am difficult to understand.

This means that other people find it difficult to understand you, perhaps because you are talking and at the same time eating rendang yang kurang empuk (under-cooked beef), or because your neighbour is playing loud dangdut music and nobody can hear you.

I am difficult.

This means that you are an ‘orang susah’.

I’m easy.

This can mean that you are kind of ‘polos’, for example if you are in a restaurant, and perhaps in a hurry, and your friend asks you what you want to eat, you might say “I’m easy,” meaning “Apa saja!” (“Whatever..”)

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